

目前显示的是标签为“metal fabrication”的博文

How Low Can You Bend? Minimum Angles of Metals for Strong Parts

 The metal bending process is a sheet metal fabrication process . When metal is bending, each material has a minimum angle it can be bent before fracturing. The flexibility and hardness of the metal influence the minimum bend angle. Exceeding the minimum bending capability leads to cracks and breakage. Below are details on approximate minimum inside bend angles for common metals, assuming proper radii: Mild Steel Mild steel is the most commonly bending metal, valued for its excellent formability and strength. The minimum bend angle for mild steel depends on its thickness and grade: - 16 gauge (.060"): minimum bend angle around 35 degrees - 14 gauge (.075"): minimum bend angle around 40 degrees - 12 gauge (.105"): minimum bend angle around 50 degrees - 3/16" (0.1875"): minimum bend angle around 60 degrees - 1/4" (0.25"): minimum bend angle around 70 degrees The minimum angle increases for thicker mild steel because more elongation and compression are

Industries Relying on Plasma Cutting's Speed and Precision

 Plasma cutting is an essential  sheet metal fabrication service  used in many industries to cut metal precisely and efficiently. A plasma cutter produces a boiling, directed flow of ionized gas called plasma that melts the metal and creates a kerf or cut. The high temperature of the plasma, which can reach up to 40,000°F, allows for fast, clean cuts through metal with minimal warping. Here are some of the main applications and uses for plasma cutting services: Manufacturing and Fabrication Plasma cutting is widely used in manufacturing and fabrication to cut steel and other metals to size for creating parts, structures, and end products. It is an ideal cutting method for structural steel, plate metal, pipes, tubing, and sheet metal. Plasma can cut thick stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper, and other conductive metals neatly and accurately. Its precise, fast cuts make plasma an efficient technique for high-production manufacturing. Automotive Industry The automotive industry uses